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The Monobit Development is a corporation I founded during my university years. My classmate and I, both passionate about coding, decided to start a software company. I quickly came up with a tech-savvy name that aligned with our focus on C++ software development. Competing with established software companies was challenging for two students.

We tried to market ourselves with a black-green-matrix-styled engineering blog showcasing our cryptography expertise from university. However, this strategy failed to attract clients, leading us to abandon the idea.

Despite the business failure, I kept the domain that we used as long as it was free because I liked the name, and used it to copywrite my hobby projects with © Monobit Development. When the policy changed and they stopped providing free domains, I switched to, using hosts entries to resolve this domain to my IP address.

Years Later

Google eventually registered the dev top-level domain (TLD) and enforced HSTS, complicating the use of the domain. I decided to purchase the same domain name and continued using it, now enjoying additional features like a personal email domain and a website.


Over the past decade, I have worked for various companies. I continue to rely on my imaginary corporate brand, which is now around 14 years old. Who knows, it may one day become a reality. In the meantime, welcome to my blog and enjoy the content.