Remote power monitoring
The power delivery in Ukraine currently faces challenges due to a power deficit caused by Russian terrorist attacks on the Ukrainian infrastructure. As the balance between consumption and generation fluctuates, periodic shutdowns occur in different districts based on a semi-accurate schedule.
My apartment is on a high floor, higher than most people are willing to climb by stairs. Typically, during a power outage, you would prefer to spend more time outside. Thus, my family and I need to know when the electricity is on or off, no matter where we are.
Project Goals
- Receive notifications when power goes online and offline.
- Gain insight into power outage patterns and durations to improve home routines and travel planning.
Potential Solutions
- Rely on one of the smart devices that already sends notifications when it goes offline.
- Leverage the full capabilities of homelab infrastructure.
I don’t think I need to explain why the latter option is the best one, right?
- One power independent server
- One indicator of the electricity presence
As a power-independent server, I’ll use my existing AWS Lightsail instance, which I maintain for my pet projects. It will handle all management tasks, including checking the home power status, keeping a history, and sending notifications. To check if my home has electricity, I’ll use a network device with a persistent IP address that is always connected to the network. There are countless ways to check if the home is offline, but the method I chose fits well with my secondary goal of trying out the Tailscale subnet router feature.
Tailscale is an app that creates a flexible and easy-to-use software-defined network on top of the fast and secure WireGuard protocol. I have my own network that I can access from anywhere in the world. This network allows me to connect to any device I’ve joined, with a granular access control list (ACL) that lets me decide which devices can see and access specific resources.
In this project, an additional server acts as a Tailnet subnet router. It connects the device used to detect electricity status to the Tailnet since direct installation on the device is impossible. Although I could use this server instead of the AWS one, I prefer the Lightsail instance due to the Uptime Kuma app already installed there.
Uptime Kuma
The core of my monitoring system is Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted monitoring tool that supports various monitoring methods such as HTTP(S) requests, ping, gRPC, DNS, and others.
To check device connectivity, I’ll use a simple ping through Tailnet. As long as the ping is successful, it indicates the device is connected to the network and powered on.
After configuring the ping monitor, I immediately started collecting outage events, addressing one of my initial goals.
To inform my family about the power status, relying solely on the status page is insufficient.
Uptime Kuma offers a variety of notification options out of the box. I tested two: webhooks and Telegram.
Using webhooks with n8n allowed me to customize texts or payloads sent to users, including AI-powered jokes. However, after trying both, I opted for native Telegram notifications for their reliability, avoiding unnecessary complications. While this means fewer fun messages, it reduces dependencies.
Future Enhancements
Initially, I considered using the EcoFlow API, which not only indicates power status but also provides data on current backup battery charge. However, they require a business week to review API access requests, which delayed this integration. Once approved, this can be a great addition to the intranet monitoring system in the future.